Bespoke Blends

Having a bespoke blend created for you is rather like having a tailor-made suit that fits you exactly. The only difference is that there are far fewer people who can create a bespoke blend and far less people that have one.

Each blend is made by Henrietta Lovell (the Rare Tea Lady) over several personal consultations.

It must be re-blended each year to maintain your precise flavour profile through the seasonal variations of each tea harvests.

  • 4,095 options

    for a blend involving any two ingredients.

  • 121,485 options

    for a blend involving any three ingredients.

  • 2,672,670 options

    for a blend involving any four ingredients.

The work is ongoing, but the blend is yours in perpetuity. The cost of the tea depends on the composition of the blend and varies for each customer.

She makes personal blends for private individuals including athletes, Hollywood royalty and actual royalty .

Henrietta has created blends for clients including Noma, Claridges, the players at Wimbledon, Mark Hix, Penhaligon’s, Johnny Walker Blue, Angela Hartnett, the RAF and Fergus Henderson's St. John.

Would you like a bespoke blend?

We would love to hear from you.  Please get in touch using the form below, or call +44 (0) 207 681 0115

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